Happy June! Summer is here! There for we are looking forward to seeing our dear families on the water this summer now that the kids are out of school. Vacations and Staycations are best while floating, in our humble opinion.
Congratulations to all of the 2019 Graduates out there. You have worked hard and our hats are off to you here at Pensacola Pontoons. Well done!
Keeping boats clean
To celebrate the summer Charlie has been doing some serious research and consequent purchasing of excellent products to keep our pontoon boats looking great. We clean them bow to stern every day they are on the water and we deep clean them with the power washer and the soap cannon (yes, it’s just as much fun as it sounds J ) once a week, sooner if needed. He has discovered ceramic coatings that seal the aluminum so it will continue to look fantastic for our customers. We will be working hard on the fleet over the next few weeks to get them looking like the top of the Chrysler Building. Don’t forget to bring your sunglasses when you meet us at the dock so you don’t get temporarily blinded by the reflection of the sun on the boats!
Our seats will likely be smelling of fresh sunscreen not because our customers are protected (though we hope they are) but because we also been applying the best protectants to keep them nice on the inside as well as the outside. If the boats are not on the water they are covered on their trailers as every ray of sunshine takes its toll on the vinyl seats. We also keep our biminis covered when on land as we know shade is just as important to our customers as it is to us and we want them to perform well. Our company take great pride in the new boats we have to offer!
Pensacola Pontoons can’t wait to deliver a new boat to you for your summer adventures!

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